Progetti Culturali 1-6 (Italian beginners)
This is the individual project – please go to Canvas to submit.
Situation: You are in Italy as a tourist and you are visiting a famous Italian city and piazza.
Objective: Leave a video message to post on social media where you talk about one of the cities and related square of your choice from the chart below.
Useful websites:
Regione | Città | Nome della piazza |
Piemonte | Torino | Piazza San Carlo |
Veneto | Verona | Piazza delle Erbe |
Valle d’Aosta | Aosta | Piazza Chanoux |
Toscana | Siena | Piazza del Campo |
Campania | Napoli | Piazza del Gesù |
- This is an individual project and every student has to record a video and submit it via Canvas by Sunday 11:30pm.
- Pick a city and a square from the chart above then watch the videos provided.
- Leave a video message where you introduce yourself and a friend, describe where the city is and what there is (not) in the city and the square.
- The recording must be between 3 to 4 minutes long.
Grammar and Vocabulary:
Make sure to use ONLY the grammar and vocabulary studied in this unit by including examples of the following:
- I saluti
- Espressioni per presentarti
- Vocabolario della geografia
- Vocabolario della piazza
- Vocabolario della città
- Articoli determinativi e indeterminativi.
- Essere / Stare / Avere
- C’è / ci sono
- Forma negativa
- I numeri 0-20
Group Cultural Project – General Information
How to pick the cultural project
In the orange boxes below you will find the detailed instructions for each cultural project. You will work in groups of 3 or 4 people on ONE of the following projects.
Each Cultural Project needs to be presented by at least one group.
Cultural Project Unit#2 – La nostra università |
Cultural Project Unit#3 – La sfilata di moda |
Cultural Project Unit#4 – La famiglia ospitante |
Cultural Project Unit#5 – Sapori d’Italia |
Cultural Project Unit#6 – Canzoni italiane |
The Group Cultural Project is composed of two parts
- A role-play in Italian highlighting the cultural topic presented in that unit.
- During the role-play in Italian students should use a powerpoint with images to create the context and show images of what they are presenting. They can also use props, music or other visual aids of their choice to create a context for the role-play. (Do not use the powerpoint as a script during the role-play).
- Grammar review in English on at least two grammar structures covered in that unit. The grammar review will serve as a review for the final exam.
- Students must include in the power point used during the role play the grammar explanation, examples from their script and a few practice sentences for each structure to use in class as exercises.
The presentation should last max 10 minutes (conversation + grammar review).
How to work on the cultural project
- Pick your group mates wisely. Work with students you feel comfortable working with and who can challenge you. Use this chance to meet with other people and share learning strategies.
- Set some meetings to work in person and together on the project. Make sure that every member of the group has an active role in the creation of the script. Be accurate and check the cultural content of your project and check for grammar, agreements, spelling and pronunciation.
- Make sure to divide the talking time evenly among the members of the group and make sure to create a conversation not an interrogation.
- When the script is ready, meet several times in person to practice the conversation. Try to memorize the script as much as possible so it sounds and looks like a real and natural conversation. Be kind and help each other…you are a team!
- Students will be graded individually and as a group. See rubric in Canvas.
- The use of translation devices or AI tools of any kind to create new grammar structures not covered in this course is prohibited and will result in a grade equal to 0 to all members of the group.
What you have to include and what you can include:
- You can use all the grammar structures and vocabulary studied in this course, but you have to focus on the grammar structures and vocabulary studied in that specific unit.
- Be accurate when presenting the cultural topic. You must use and incorporate the information about the cultural topic that you find int the unit and in the instructions of the cultural project. You can look for more information on the Internet.
- You have to use images on the powerpoint to set the context for your role-play and to show to your classmates what you are presenting. You can use music, props etc. to make the role-play more interesting.
- Be creative and have fun!
Due Dates – Please check Canvas for detailed due dates:
Student will have to pick the cultural project and register by Please check Canvas for detailed due dates.
Every group has to submit a first and second draft on a google doc. Please check Canvas for detailed due dates.
In-class presentation – last two weeks of the semester. Please check Canvas for detailed due dates.
Grading – Total points 100 divided as follows
Project Selection & Sign up | 5pts (complete/incomplete) |
First draft (script and grammar review) | 20pt |
Second draft (script and grammar review) | 20pt |
Presentation in class* | 50pt |
Completion of Peer-Review* and Self-Review | 5pts (complete/incomplete) |
* Rubrics – Available on Canvas
*Extra credit – Please ask your instructor.Type your examples here.
The use of ChatGPT, Google Translate, and other AI translating devices or software to complete assignments is not acceptable in this course, and constitutes academic misconduct. Students who are suspected of using these tools on assignments will receive an automatic 0 on the assignment in question. Repeated use will result in disciplinary action.
Your primary source for completing coursework should be your textbook, the materials provided by your instructor and the skills learned in class. The instructor is authorized to question a student’s work if they feel that the skills or knowledge exhibited by that student in a particular assignment exceed the scope of the ITL601C course.
Students who violate University rules on academic misconduct are subject to the student conduct process and potential disciplinary action. A student found responsible for academic misconduct may be assigned both a status sanction and a grade impact for the course. The grade impact could range from a zero on the assignment in question up to a failing grade in the course. A status sanction can range from probation, deferred suspension and/or dismissal from the University. To learn more about the academic integrity standards, tips for avoiding a potential academic misconduct violation and the overall conduct process, please visit the Student Conduct and Academic Integrity website at:
Progetto Culturale Unità 2 – La nostra università
Group Cultural Project – Group A
This is one of the options you can pick for your group cultural project to present at the end of the semester.
Situazione: Tu e i tuoi amici parlate delle vostre università. You and your friends talk about your universities.
Obiettivo: Crea una conversazione con in tuoi compagni per descrivere la tua università e l’università Statale di Milano. Create a conversation with your classmates to describe the University of Milan and UT-Austin
Link utili:
Link to the video “La Statale di Milano
Link to the official website – La Statale di Milano
Video –Student’s day at University of Milan
Comprehension questions
- Work in groups of 4 and watch the videos embedded to this project then orally answer the comprehension questions in the chart above.
- Create a role play in Italian where two students talk about La Statale di Milano while the other students talk about UT-Austin and make sure to highlight the differences between the two systems.
- Once your role play is ready, practice reading it multiple times with your group and memorize it before you present it. Try to make the conversation sound as natural as possible.
- BE CREATIVE and feel free to use props, slide shows (with images), music, etc.
- The presentation should last maximum 10 minutes and it must include the role play about the main cultural topic of this project and 2-3 minutes of grammar review led in English.
- Groups should pick at least two of the following grammar structures to review:
- verbi regolari in – ARE
- verbi irregolari in -ARE (with fixed expressions)
- the agreement between adjectives and nouns
- Students should use examples from their own script and add an exercise (max 6 sentences) to practice with the whole class.
- Each student has to talk also during the grammar review.
- Groups should pick at least two of the following grammar structures to review:
Grammatica e vocabolario:
While you write your dialogue, make sure to use ONLY the grammar structures studied in this or other units of this course and to include various examples of the following:
- Verbi regolari e irregolari in -ARE
- Aggettivi per descrivere la classe e la lezione, gli studenti e i professori
- Vocabolario della classe, università e materie scolastiche
Progetto Culturale Unità 3 – La sfilata di moda
Group Cultural Project – Group B
This is one of the options you can pick for your group cultural project to present at the end of the semester.
Situazione: Tu e i tuoi amici partecipate ad una sfilata di moda della Milano Fashion Week.
Compito: Create una conversazione in cui ogni coppia di studenti presenta brevemente il suo stilista preferito e che cosa fate prima o dopo la sfilata.
Link utili:
- Work in group of 4 and check the links embedded to this project.
- Create a role-play where you talk about the following topics
- each pairs introduces an Italian fashion designer of their choice and one outfit presented at the Milano Fashion Week that they like.
- what you wear to participate to the show.
- what you do before or after participating to the show.
- Once your conversation is ready, practice reading it multiple times, check the pronunciation with and “memorize” it before you present it in front of the class. Try to make the conversation sound as natural as possible.
- BE CREATIVE and feel free to use props, slideshows (with images), music etc.
- The presentation should last maximum 10 minutes and it must include the role play in Italian about the main cultural topic of this project and 2-3 minutes of grammar review in English
- Groups should pick at least TWO of the following grammar structures to review:
- verbi regolari o irregolari in ERE/IRE
- il verbo PIACERE o
- Sapere / conoscere or Espressioni con Avere
- Students should use examples from their own script and add an exercise (max 6 sentences) to practice with the whole class.
- Each student has to talk also during the grammar review.
- Groups should pick at least TWO of the following grammar structures to review:
Grammatica e vocabolario:
While you write your dialogue, make sure to use ONLY the grammar structures studied in this or other units of this course and to include various examples of the following:
- Verbi regolari e irregolari in ARE/ERE/IRE al presente
- il verbo piacere
- il verbo sapere / conoscere
- Espressioni con Avere
- Vocabolario del tempo libero
- Vocabolario dell’abbigliamento
Progetto Culturale 4 – La famiglia ospitante
Group Cultural Project – Group C
This is one of the options you can pick for your group cultural project to present at the end of the semester.
Situazione: Questa estate vai in Italia per un programma di studio all’estero.
Link utili
Use the following links to pick an Italian hosting family | Use the following link to pick images to describe the house of the hosting family
What are the differences between an Italian and American Home |
Obbiettivo: Lavora con i tuoi compagni e create una conversazione tra un membro della famiglia ospitante e uno studente straniero del programma di studio all’estero.
- Work in groups of 3 or 4 students and check the links provided below.
- Create a role play in Italian where two students play two members of the hosting family while the other student(s) play the role of the guest student. Include the following topics:
- Parlate della famiglia. Chi c’è in questa famiglia? Nomi, età, descrizioni.
- Fate domande su cosa piace o non piace fare nel tempo libero.
- Fate domande sulla casa della famiglia italiana: com’è la casa, quante stanze ci sono, com’è la stanza da letto per gli ospiti etc. (This is a cultural project, make sure to include some differences that you may encounter in the Italian house compared to the American house).
- Once your role play is ready, practice reading it multiple times with your group and memorize it before you present it. Try to make the conversation sound as natural as possible.
- BE CREATIVE and feel free to use props, slide shows (with images), music, etc.
- The presentation should last at maximum 10 minutes and it must include the role play about the main cultural topic of this project and 2-3 minutes of grammar review led in English.
- Students should pick at least TWO of the following grammar structures:
- aggettivi e pronomi possessivi
- verbi riflessivi e verbi reciproc
- aggettivi: descrizioni delle persone.
- Students should use examples from their own script and add an exercise (max 6 sentences) to practice with the whole class
- Each student has to talk also during the grammar review.
- Students should pick at least TWO of the following grammar structures:
Link utili
Use the following links to pick an Italian hosting family | Use the following link to pick images to describe the house of the hosting family
What are the differences between an Italian and American Home |
Grammatica e vocabolario:
While you write your dialogue, make sure to use ONLY the grammar structures studied in this or other units of this course and to include examples of the following:
- Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi
- Aggettivi per descrivere le persone
- Verbi riflessivi e reciproci
- Le ore
- Vocabolario della famiglia e della casa.
Progetto Culturale 5 – I prodotti tipici italiani
Group Cultural Project – Group D
This is one of the options you can pick for your group cultural project to present at the end of the semester.
Situazione: You are at the restaurant with your friends and you talk about different Italian regions and their dishes.
Link utili
“Every Italian Region in 30 seconds” – You Tube Use the following questions to create your role-play About the region
About the products Name 4 typical products for each region
About the typical dishes Name two typical dishes for each region
Please do not include cultural or historical information that go beyond the scope of this project. Focus on the culinary peculiarity of the region you picked. |
- Work in groups of 3 or 4 and use the links and questions above.
- Create a role play in Italian where each pair of students talks about a different Italian regions make sure to highlight the unique products and dishes you can find in those regions.
- Once your role play is ready, practice reading it multiple times with your group and memorize it before you present it. Try to make the conversation sound as natural as possible.
- BE CREATIVE and feel free to use props, slide shows (with images), music, etc.
- The presentation should last at maximum 10 minutes and it must include the role play about the main cultural topic of this project and 2-3 minutes of grammar review led in English.
- Students should pick at least TWO of the following grammar structures:
- pronomi diretti
- verbi modali
- partitivi
- Students should use examples from their own script and add an exercise (max 6 sentences) to practice with the whole class
- Each student has to talk also during the grammar review.
- Students should pick at least TWO of the following grammar structures:
Grammatica e vocabolario:
While you write your dialogue, make sure to use ONLY the grammar structures studied in this or other units of this course and to include examples of the following:
- pronomi diretti
- verbi modali
- partitivi
- vocabolario del cibo
Progetto Culturale 6 – Il Festival di Sanremo
Group Cultural Project – Gruppo E
This is one of the options you can pick for your group cultural poject to present at the end of the semester.
Situazione: You and your friend go to the FESTIVAL DI SANREMO and you talk about your favorite Italian singer
Compito: Create una conversazione in cui ogni coppia di studenti presenta brevemente il suo cantante o il suo gruppo musicale italiano preferito.
Link utili:
Il Festival di Sanremo – Official Website
Festival di Sanremo – Le canzoni
- Work in group of 4 and check the links embedded to this project.
- Create a role-play where you talk about the following topics
- Each pairs introduces an Italian contemporary singer or band of their choice. (names, date and place of birth and a few biographical info, physical description etc. most important prizes won etc.).
- Pick a song and watch a video than talk about where and when you listened to the song for the first time and who was with you.
- Tell what you did like or did not like about the performance of the singer or band. (Talk about the emotions, the attire etc. we don’t want an expert feedback on the musical skills of the singer/group).
- Once the script is ready, practice reading it multiple times, check the pronunciation with and “memorize” it before you present it in front of the class. Try to make the conversation sound as natural as possible.
- BE CREATIVE and feel free to use props, slideshows (with images), music etc.
- The presentation should last at maximum 10 minutes and it must include the role play about the main cultural topic of this project and 2-3 minutes of grammar review led in English.
- Students should pick at least TWO of the following grammar structures:
- passato con avere
- passato prossimo con essere
- i pronomi diretti con il passato prossimo
- Students should use examples from their own script and add an exercise (max 6 sentences) to practice with the whole class
- Each student has to talk also during the grammar review.
- Students should pick at least TWO of the following grammar structures:
Grammatica e vocabolario:
While you write your dialogue, make sure to use ONLY the grammar structures studied in this or other units of this course and to include various examples of the following:
- Il passato prossimo con essere e avere
- il passato prossimo dei verbi irregolari
- I pronomi diretti con il passato prossimo
- Espressioni di tempo con il passato prossimo
- Vocabolario della musica
- Vocabolario degli spettacoli