1 Grammar – I verbi modali al passato
I verbi modali al passato
The modal verbs (dovere, volere, potere), when used in Presente Perfect (Passato Prossimo) can take either have the verb AVERE or ESSERE.
The Presente Perfect (Passato Prossimo) with modal verbs is composed by three parts
- The present of the auxiliary Essere or Avere
- The past participle of the modal verb
- Dovere→ dovuto
- Potere → potuto
- Volere → voluto
3. The infinitive of the main verb
Esempio: Io ho dovuto scrivere una lettera.
Modal verbs with the auxiliary Avere
- With the verb avere
- With all transitive verbs (verbs that answer the questions what? / who?)
- With some intransitive verbs like:dormire, viaggiare, camminare, passeggiare
Io pago il conto → io ho pagato il conto → io ho dovuto pagare il conto
Modal verbs with the auxiliary Essere
- With the reflexive and reciprocal verbs.
- With verbs that express movement.
- With verbs that describe state of being and changes.
Sara va a Roma → Sara è andata a Roma → Sara è dovuta andare a Roma
NOTE: The past participle of the modal verb must agree in gender and number with the subject.
Modal verbs with direct object pronoun
- When there is a direct object pronoun it can be placed before the auxiliary ESSERE or AVERE or in the infinitive of the main verb.
- When the direct object pronoun is placed before the auxiliary, the past participle must agree in gender and number
Avete comprato i biglietti?
Si, li abbiamo potuti comprare ieri sera.
Si, abbiamo potuto comprarli ieri sera.
Modal verbs and reflexive verbs
With a reflexive verb the pronoun can be placed before the auxiliary or in the infinitive.
The position of the pronoun determines the auxiliary being used.
- When the pronoun is placed before the auxiliary verb, we use the auxiliary ESSERE and the past participle must agree with the subject.
Esempio: Ieri io e Sara ci siamo dovute svegliare presto.
- When the pronoun is attached to the infinitive, we use the auxiliary AVERE and no agreement is necessary.
Esempio: Ieri io e Sara abbiamo dovuto svegliarci presto