
G 4.2 – I verbi riflessivi e i verbi reciproci

G4.2 – I verbi riflessivi e i verbi reciproci

Reflexive verbs are verbs in which the subject performs and receives the action (for example: I wash myself). In Italian the reflexive meaning is expressed by the reflexive pronouns:  mi, ti, si, ci, vi, si has shown in the chart below.

Subject Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun English
io mi myself
tu ti yourself
lui /lei /Lei si himself / herself
noi ci ourselves
voi vi yourselves
loro / Loro si themselves

How to conjugate reflexive verbs 

  1. Divide the verb into the two main parts: Chiamarsi –> Chiamare (infinitive) + si (reflexive pronoun)
  2. Place he reflexive pronoun corresponding to each subject in front of the verb
  3. Conjugate the verb as you normally do by adding the endings for the present tense.


Subject pronouns

(Subject pronouns are in brackets because they are often omitted in oral communication, in particular if another pronoun (ex. reflexive pronoun is used). 

alzarsi (to get up)  mettersi (to put on)  divertirsi (to enjoy oneself) 
(io) mi alzo mi metto mi diverto
(tu) ti alzi ti metti ti diverti
(lui / lei / Lei) si alza si mette si diverte
(noi) ci alziamo ci mettiamo ci divertiamo
(voi) vi alzate vi mettete vi divertite
(loro / Loro) si alzano si mettono si divertono

When the sentence is negative, non precedes the reflexive pronoun:

    • Ti metti il vestito blu? – Are you putting the blue dress on?
    • No, non mi metto il vestito blu. – No, I am not putting the blue dress on.

Most verbs can be used both in the reflexive and non reflexive form.


io lavo il cane –> I wash the dog

io mi lavo –> I wash myself

Most common verbs that are used in the reflexive form

svegliarsi (to wake up) alzarsi (to get up) lavarsi (to wash oneself)

lavarsi i denti

lavarsi i capelli

lavarsi le mani

vestirsi (to get dressed)

svestirsi / spogliarsi (to undress)

mettersi (to put on clothes) 

togliersi (to take off clothes)

farsi la doccia

farsi la barba

pettinarsi (to brush / to comb ones hair)  truccarsi (to apply makeup)
depilarsi (to shave the body)

tagliarsi i capelli  (to have a haircut)

addormentarsi (to fall asleep) chiamarsi (to call oneself) allenarsi (to train)


Some verbs are used only in the reflexive form

sentirsi bene / male (to feel well / bad) riposarsi (to rest)
annoiarsi (to get bored) divertirsi (to have fun)
laurearsi (to graduate from college) diplomarsi (to graduate from highschool) 


Reciprocal verbs

Reciprocal verbs are verbs in which the action is performed on one another or together. Since at least two people are needed to perform the action, reciprocal verbs do not have the singular form but just the plural one (noi, voi, loro).

Reciprocal verbs act like reflexive verbs, so they use the same reflexive pronouns (ci, vi, si).


Some examples:

  • Noi ci salutiamo al bar -> we greet each other at the bar
  • Voi vi vedete in piazza per mangiare un gelato -> You see each other in the square to eat an ice cream
  • Giacomo e Filippo si riuniscono con gli amici per guardare la partita di calcio -> Giacomo and Filippo meet up with their friends to watch the soccer match
Subject pronouns

(Subject pronouns are in brackets because they are often omitted in oral communication, in particular if another pronoun (ex. reflexive pronoun) is used). 


to greet each other


to see each other


to meet each other

(noi) ci salutiamo ci vediamo ci riuniamo
(voi) vi salutate vi vedete vi riunite
(loro / Loro) si salutano si vedono si riuniscono


Most common reciprocal verbs

aiutarsi (to help each other) baciarsi (to kiss each other) salutarsi (to greet each other) riunirsi (to meet each other)
capirsi (to understand each other) sposarsi (to merry each other)  incontrarsi (to meet each other) amarsi (to love each other)
abbracciarsi (to hug each other) vedersi (to see each other) conoscersi (to know each other) lasciarsi (to break up)


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