
G3.3 – Il verbo avere con espressioni / Verb Avere with fixed expressions

G3.3 Il verbo AVERE

Avere to have
io ho I have
tu hai you have
lui/ lei / Lei ha he/she has / you have (singular formal)
noi abbiamo we have
voi avete you have (plural informal)
loro / Loro hanno they have / you have (plural formal)

The verb avere (to have) indicates ownership or possession. The letter H in the forms ho / hai / ha / hanno is silent.


Fixed expressions with AVERE

Avere is used in various idiomatic expressions that do not translate literally to English.

Example: Ho fame -> I am hungry  (Ho means “I have” and fame is a noun that translates to “hunger”. )

Note: You have already learned some of them in previous units and you’ll see the remaining expressions in the next units. Use the chart below as a summary to memorize them. 

italiano inglese
avere…anni to be…years old
avere bisogno di… to need
avere paura di… to be afraid of..
avere freddo to be cold
avere caldo to be hot

The following expressions will be introduced in the next units 


avere ragione to be right
avere torto to be wrong
avere pazienza to be patient
avere fretta to be in a hurry
avere sete to be thirsty
avere fame to be hungry
avere voglia di… to want something
avere + physical description  to have + physical description


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