
G 1.3 – Il nome singolare

G1.3 – Il nome al singolare – Singular noun

As a general rule

  1. nouns ending in-o are masculine and ending in -a are feminine.
    • Esempio: il gatto and la pizza
  2. Nouns ending in -e can be masculine or feminine.
    • Esempio: il cane (m.) la carne (f.)  


 Tips: If you don’t know the gender of a noun ending in -e:  

  1. Look it up in the dictionary like wordreference.com

Close to the noun you can find the acronym

nf (nome femminile = feminine noun) or

nm (nome maschile = masculine noun)

As in the image below:


2. Check for clues in the text and use articles to determine the gender and number of the noun as follow:

Maschile Femminile

il, lo, un, uno


i, gli


la ,l’, una, un’



From masculine to feminine

There are some nouns that form the feminine form from the masculine following the patterns as shown in the chart below.
Maschile It becomes… Femminile
Ending Example Ending Example
– o  gatto – a gatta
– e signore – a signora
– tore attore -trice attrice
– a poeta – essa poetessa
– ente studente -essa studentessa
– ore professore – essa professoressa
– o  avvocato – essa avvocatessa
The following nouns have the same form in the masculine and feminine form. You can distinguish the gender by looking at the article. 

Irregular forms 

In the chart below you can find the most common irregular forms. Take your time memorizing it and make sure to come back to this chart for reference.

Nouns in the following categories are generally masculine Nouns in the following categories are generally feminine
Mountains, lakes and seas, rivers il Lago di Garda

il Monte Bianco

l’Oceano Atlantico

il Mare Adriatico

il fiume Po

Continents, nations, island, regions, cities: l’Europa


la Sardegna

La Lombardia

(la città di) Roma









un aprile

il lunedì, il martedì, il mercoledì, il giovedì, il venerdì, il sabato

Days la domenica (exception)

Some nouns ending with a are exceptions and are masculine, like:

il pigiama – pijama

il pianeta – planet

il clima – climate

il sistema – system

il problema – problem

il poeta – poet

il cinema* (il cinematografo)  – movie theater

*This is abbreviated from its original form. 

Some nouns ending in -o are exceptions and are feminine, like:

la mano – hand

la metro * (la metropolitana) – subway

l’auto *  (l’ automobile) – car

la foto* – (la fotografia) –  photo

la radio* (la radiofonia) – radio

la moto* (la motocicletta) – motorcycle

*These words are abbreviated from their original forms.

Nouns ending with a consonant are foreign words and the gender varies:

  • il computer (m.)
  • il film (m.)
  • il bar (m.)
  • la t-shirt (f.)
  • un’ email (f.)

Nouns ending in -zione / -sione – à /ù  are always feminine

  • la nazione
  • la stazione
  • la decisione
  • la città
  • la virtù

The following exercises are not graded, you can complete them to practice while you study.  Please go to Canvas/Assignments to complete your graded activities. 


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