
G 1.6 – I sostantivi plurali – The plural nouns

G 1.6 – I sostantivi plurali – The plural nouns

As a general rule the plural forms of the masculine nouns ending ino and -e end in -i  
il gatto > i gatti

il cane> i cani

As a general rule for the plural form of the feminine nouns ending in a ends in e and the ending vowel of feminine nouns ending in e  endsi:

la pizza > le pizze

la notte > le notti

Maschile singolare Maschile plurale
– o –> gatto – i –> gatti
– e –> studente – i –> studenti
Femminile singolare Femminile plurale
– a –> pizza e –> pizze
– e –> carne – i –> carni


Irregular plural forms 

Ending Example

Nouns ending in -co/-ca/-go/-ga add an “h”  after c/g

  • il parco -> i parchi
  • il lago -> i laghi
  • l’amica -> le amiche
  • la biologa -> le biologhe
Most nouns ending in -ico change to -ici
  • l’amico -> gli amici
  • il medico -> i medici
Nouns ending in –ista can be masculine or feminine. In the plural the masculine form ends in -isti and the feminine form ends in -iste.
  • il turista -> i turisti
  • la turista -> le turiste
Masculine nouns ending in -ma change their ending to mi.
  • il problema-> i problemi
Some nouns have an irregular plural form.
  • l’uomo -> gli uomini *
  • l’uovo -> le uova (f., plurale)
  • la mano -> le mani

*While the plural of uomo is irregular, the plural of donna is regular (donne)

Abbreviated nouns, accented nouns and foreign words do not change in the plural:  

  • la moto -> le moto *
  • la città -> le città
  • il bar -> i bar

*If the word is not abbreviated, the plural is regular: ex. la motocicletta-> le motociclette

Nouns ending in -io have only one -i. But if the -i is stressed (-io), the plural has two -ii

  • il bacio -> i baci
  • lo zio -> gli zii
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