
G 1.2 – Subject pronouns and Essere / Stare

G1.2 – Subject pronouns 

In Italian there are 6 different subject and they are used as follow:

io = I tu = you (singular)

Lei = you (formal) it follows the conjugation of lui/lei

lui / lei = he / she
noi = we voi = you (plural) 

Loro – you (formal) it follows the conjugation of loro

loro = they (informal


  • In Italian the conjugated verb takes a different form for each subject pronouns, for this reason subject pronouns can be omitted in written and oral communication.


Come stai (tu)? (io) sto bene grazie.

  • In Italian different pronouns should be used when addressing people in formal or informal situations.

The formal address is used in formal settings as: universities, restaurants, shops, hospitals etc. and it is used with unknown people, older people or people that have a position in a formal setting as: bosses, professors, doctors, police officers.

To address people formally you have to use the subject pronoun Lei (you singular) and Loro (you plural). Both these pronouns are capitalized when written to indicate that they are used in the formal way. 


Essere e Stare – The verb To be


The verb essere (to be) is used when giving personal information like name, place of origin, or a description.


  • Ciao, sono Pietro e sono di Milano. Voi di dove siete?
  • Ciao Pietro! Noi siamo di Roma.
Subject Pronoun Verb Translation in English
io sono I am
tu sei you are (singular)
lui/lei è he/she is
Lei è you (singular formal)
noi siamo we are
voi siete you are (plural)




they are

you are (plural formal)



The verb stare (to stay; to be) is used when expressing how a person is doing or feeling.


  • Marco, come stai?
  • Sto bene, grazie. E voi?
  • Stiamo bene!
Subject Pronoun Verb Translation in English
io sto I am
tu stai you are (singular)
lui/lei sta he/she is
Lei sta you are (singular formal)
noi stiamo we are
voi state you are (plural informal)




they are

you are (plural formal)



Il verbo AVERE – the verb TO HAVE (study in unit 2) 

Subject Pronoun Avere to have
io ho I have
tu hai you have
lui/lei ha he/she has
Lei ha you have (singular formal)
noi abbiamo we have
voi avete you have (plural informal)




they have

you have (plural formal)

The verb avere (to have) indicates ownership or possession. It is also used to express the age of a person. The verb Avere is also used in other fixed expressions that you will learn in the following units.

The letter H in the forms ho / hai / ha / hanno is silent and it is used only to set them apart from other words that may be confused. Example: the form hanno and the noun anno (year).

  • Io ho una macchina rossa -> I have a red car
  • Tu hai tredici anni -> You are 13 years old


The following exercises are not graded, you can complete them to practice while you study.  Please go to Canvas/Assignments to complete your graded activities. 


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