
G 1.1 – L’alfabeto italiano

G 1.1 – L’alfabeto italiano

The Italian alphabet is made up of 21 letters, which are all found in the English alphabet, but some are pronounced differently.
Listen to the pronunciation of the letters and words by clicking on the audio button below

Lettera (letter) Parola (word)
a (a) acqua
b (bi) banana
c (ci) città
d (di) divano
e elefante
f (effe) fragola
g (gi) gente
h (acca) hotel
i (i) igloo
l (elle) leone
m (emme) mela
n (enne) naso
o (o) orso
p (pi) pizza
q (qu) quaderno
r (erre) riso
s (esse) sedia
t (ti) tavolo
u (u) università
v (vi / vu) video
z (zeta) zaino
The following letters are not part of the Italian alphabet and are mostly used for foreign words.
j (i lunga) jazz
k (kappa) kiwi
w (doppia vu) weekend
x (ics) ex
y (ipsilon) yogurt


  • To ask how to spell a word you can say: “Come si scrive?”


– “Come si scrive ACQUA?”

– “Si scrive a-ci-qu-u-a”

  • When there are double letters you can say:

“doppia + the letter”


“Come si scrive mamma?”

“Si scrive: emme – a – doppia emme – a”

  • Note:Letter H does not have a specific sound in Italian. It’s mostly used to help modify the sounds of other letters.

The following exercises are not graded, you can complete them to practice while you study.  Please go to Canvas/Assignments to complete your graded activities. 


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Giornate italiane Copyright © 2023 by Amanda Bush & Silvia Luongo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.