
G 2.1 – Gli aggettivi introduzione

G2.1 – Gli aggettivi (introduzione) – Intro to adjectives

Adjectives are used to describe people, places and things.

In Italian, they must agree in gender and number with the noun(s) they refer to and they are usually placed after the noun(s) they refer to.

Adjectives are capitalized only when they are at the beginning of the sentence.

Please note that when you look up for adjective in the dictionary they are always given in their masculine form, then you have to make the necessary agreements in gender and number with the noun. 


Adjectives follow the same agreement pattern as nous:

Maschile Femminile
Singolare plurale singolare plurale
-o -i -a -e
-e -i -e -i

As shown in the examples below, singular adjectives ending in -co, -ca, -go, -ga will require an h in the plural form to keep the hard c and g sounds.

– co –> ricco

– go –> lungo



-ca–> ricca

-ga–> lunga



Exception:  atletico atletici / simpatico simpatici /  antipatico antipatici


Be aware that nouns and adjectives need to agree in gender and number but their endings do not necessary match:

singolare plurale
Nouns starting in -o il ragazzo alto i ragazzi alti
il compito difficile i compiti difficili
Nouns starting in – e il professore intelligente i professori intelligenti
lo studente simpatico gli studenti simpatici
singolare plurale
Nouns starting in -a la ragazza alta le ragazze alte
la domanda difficile le domande difficili
Nouns starting in – e la classe grande le classi grandi
la lezione noiosa le lezioni noiose

When the adjective refers to a mixed (masculine and feminine) pair or a group of people or things, the adjective takes the masculine plural form. 


  • Marco, Paola e Francesca sono italiani= Marco, Paola and Francesca are Italian.
  • Loro sono simpatici = They are nice.


1. Aggettivi in contesto – Adjectives in context

In the chart below you can find a list of the most common adjectives that we will use in this unit and this course in general. Adjectives are presented in simple sentences accompanied by their opposites.

The following are just examples, we suggest you have fun using them in different context and with different nouns. Please feel free to look up for more adjectives.

italiano inglese
la classe grande / piccola the big / small classroom
la lezione divertente / noiosa the fun / boring class
il professore intelligente/ stupido the intelligent / stupid professor
il professore giovane / anziano the young / old professor
il compagno simpatico / antipatico the sociable / unsociable classmate
l’edificio vicino / lontano the close / far building
l’edificio alto / basso the tall/small building
l’edificio antico / moderno the ancient/ modern building
il compito facile / difficile the easy / difficult homework

2. Aggettivi di nazionalità

Adjectives of nationality follow the same agreement pattern you studied above. This is just a small sample, please feel free to look up in the dictionary for other adjectives of nationality.

Maschile Femminile
Singolare Plurale Singolare Plurale
Adjectives ending in -o / – a americano americani americana americane
italiano italiani italiana italiane
messicano messicani messicana messicane
spagnolo spagnoli spagnola spagnole
svizzero svizzeri svizzera svizzere
tedesco tedeschi tedesca tedesche
greco greci greca greche
marocchino marocchini marocchina marocchine
Adjectives ending in -e inglese inglesi inglese inglesi
francese francesi francese francesi
cinese cinesi cinese cinesi
giapponese giapponesi giapponese giapponesi
canadese canadesi canadese canadesi
svedese svedesi svedese svedesi


3. I colori

Colors can be used as adjectives and they follow the same agreement pattern studied above. 

Example: La bandiera americana è rossa, blu e bianca. The American flag is red, blue and white.

nero – black bianco – white giallo – yellow arancione – orange
verde – green  rosso – red azzurro – light blue marrone – brown
grigio – grey viola – purple blu – blue rosa – pink
Please note: viola, blu and rosa are invariable so they do not make any agreement

La penna rosa – le penne rosa. The pink pen(s). 

Lo zaino rosa – gli zaini rosa. The pink backpack(s)

The following exercises are not graded, but you can use them to practice while you study. Please go to Canvas/Assignments to complete your graded activities. 




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