

*This book is not completed yet.  Only partial workbook is visible for now.

About This Workbook

This workbook is designed for the learners who use “YOOKOSO! An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese” which the Japanese program at the University of Texas at Austin has been using for years; however, any beginners can practice basic Japanese since the content is very similar to most beginner textbooks.

This experimental OER material for Japanese classes at UT was made possible by a Teaching Innovation Grant by the Center for Teaching Learning at the University of Texas at Austin.


This is a pilot project using OER materials in the beginner’s Japanese class at the University of Texas at Austin. In lieu of saving students’ money for the materials, this workbook project is our first step towards OER. In fact, there are not many Japanese OER textbooks in the OER depositories platforms such as MERLOT, COERLL, OER Commons yet[1]. Therefore, in the future, we hope that there will be a larger collaboration of OER Japanese teaching textbooks/ workbooks among Japanese instructors from various institutions which would be available as an alternate or supplement to traditional published textbooks/ workbooks.


This workbook uses Pressbooks and H5P that is built in the Pressbooks. Pressbooks OER was introduced by Former Librarian Ashley Morrison from the the OERs at the UT Libraries.


Various resources are used:

Banno, E. et. al. (2020). Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I, 3rd edition. Japan Times

Banno, E. et. al (2020). Genki Workbook I, 3rd edition. Japan Times

Oka, M. et.al (2021). Tobira: Beginning Japanese I, Kurosio

Tohsaku, Y. (2006). Yookoso! An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese, 3rd edition. McGraw Hill

Tohsaku, Y. et.al. (2006)Workbook/Laboratory Manual for Yookoso! An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese, 3rd edition. McGraw Hill

Japanese Online Self-Help Utility Katakana

Japan Foundation Bringing Japan to You


The University of British Columbia Self- Directed Linguistic Modules

Yookoso! An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese Online Learning Center 

JOSHU Japanese Online Self-Help Utility

Yookoso! Study Japanese Language, Kanji; learn about Japanese travel, culture, life, music (JPO) and more

The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute

Japan Foundation Nihongo Dekimasu

Kanji-Link: Learn Japanese More Efficiently

TED talk

Rachel and Jun: Food Travel The Idiot’s gGuide to Japan Culture Interviews

Shino Sensee no Nihongokyouzai sooko Easy-Japanese Audio Books
mitsuru omura Usagi Addicted
Shosen Shosoka Shosen

  1. as of June 2022


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Japanese I +II Workbook Copyright © 2022 by Chikako Cooke is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.